

Commander Chávez warned us about imperialism's blockade and sanctions

Published at: 08/05/2024 09:00 PM

The Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez, from the Miraflores Palace, in Caracas, assured that one of the fundamental tasks of revolutionaries is to face with arguments, with reasons, with the articulation of our potentials and our moral and political strength, the imperial threat and its madness.

During his speech, Chávez recommended a book written by a Cuban Francisco Pividal: Bolivar's Anti-Imperialist Thought, “there are a series of documents, letters and the phrase goes, the United States of America, 1825, seems destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of freedom”

“It fell short, not only was America, but the whole world, plagued by hunger, war, death, misery in the name of freedom. I bomb you in the name of freedom, to protect you I annihilate you and in the name of human rights,” added Chávez, on September 9, 2011.

He also said that once the President of the United States Barack Obama told him that despite the differences his Government would not intervene in the internal affairs of Venezuela, however, “recently they sanctioned our oil industry for having relations in the energy area with Iran.”

“They threaten us with new sanctions. Without a doubt, it is part of an offensive that will increase depending on whatever scenario they have prepared for aggressions against us, against Venezuela,” he said.

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