

Commander Chávez: This counterrevolution already feels defeated once again

Published at: 03/07/2024 10:36 PM

From the popular parish of January 23, Commander Hugo Chávez Frías pointed out that the opposition actions reflect an already sense of defeat, fear. “I call on the Venezuelan people to be very attentive to the actions and statements of the leaders of this divided and diminished counterrevolutionary opposition, of the counterrevolution.”

In this regard, he denounced the violent actions that the opposition has been trying to carry out “there are statements, threats, pressures against the CNE, now some statements by some of the CNE's managers who obey the Coordinator or the Anti-Democratic Decoordinator”.

“All this is shaping up a picture, this counterrevolution already feels defeated once again and is slowly entering levels of desperation that have led them on previous occasions to acts of violence, to break with the Constitution,” said Chávez.

In context, the Bolivarian leader urged those who opposed him not to stray from the constitutional path “because, if they do, here we will be standing waiting for them to give them the new lesson that we will give them, if they try to do so. Well, anyway, to the best of our knowledge, a few words, right? These are facts that reveal the state of desperation, the product of the fear of defeat that some sectors of the opposition are falling into.”

“We must denounce, before the Venezuelan people, that diminished, divided opposition, which has no leadership, that has no morals and seeks in vain to reinstall the Punto Fijo pact in Venezuela. But they will never return, forget; here the People came to stay, here came the Revolution to stay,” he said.

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