

Commander Chávez: Latin America and the Caribbean will become a zone of peace

Published at: 01/05/2024 10:45 PM

On February 4, 2012, Commander Hugo Chávez gave a speech from the Miraflores Palace in which he assured that the government's plan was to promote peace.

“We are determined that South America, Latin America and the Caribbean will forever become a zone of peace, we don't want wars here, no more invasions, or coups d'etat, or anything like that,” Chávez said.

In this sense, he rejected interference “so don't let empires come here, to stick their noses here in our territory, a land of peace, there will be no war or invasions here, and we are here kneeling to the ground to prevent it”.

Likewise, the Bolivarian leader highlighted the defense of the former president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, to the Cuban government, when she “responded with that dignity that characterizes her: Human rights? Let's talk about the Guantánamo Base then; it gave a hook to the liver to whoever asked about human rights. The base at Guantánamo, the torture. In the United States, in the United States in truth, what there is is a dictatorship today, there is a dictatorship there, there is a set of laws.”

“I didn't accuse the United States government of injecting us with cancer, because I don't have tests, and it's possible that that can never be proven. I only launched one hypothesis, and especially when the news came to me, that it was a blow to the liver, when Nicolás told me one day, now Cristina has cancer, how? Also Cristina; no, no, this already, this is something strange, and I even said: Take care of yourself Evo, take care of yourself Rafael because well, then I launched the hypothesis; the United States has developed so much technology for murder,” Chávez denounced.

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