

Civil Protection monitors risks in vulnerable areas of the State of Táchira

Prevention in times of rain
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 06/06/2024 08:40 PM

Civil Protection and Disaster Management (PC) officials from the state of Táchira remain on permanent alert during this rainy season 2024, given that the Tropical Wave season has already begun.

This was explained by Yesnardo Canal, director of the entity's prevention and relief agency, at the same time that he announced the passage of tropical wave number four.

“It is already in the center of the country, and in the next 24 hours it will be passing through the Andean territory, on the Western axis, in addition to the numbers five and six. Continuous rainfall has saturated soils in different operational axes, such as the metropolitan area, mountains and part of the border, so it is necessary to remain alert,” he said in a regional press release.

The directorates of the different municipal civil protections are alert and constantly monitored, for geo-referencing risk, vulnerable or threatened areas. The preventive institute will reinforce constant monitoring for the next 24 hours in order to activate the Risk Committees and activate the Early Warning Systems.

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