

Citizen apprehended while stealing cables at Oriente Refining Complex

The FANB works to guarantee peace for the Venezuelan people
Photo: @Dhernandezlarez

Published at: 22/01/2024 12:16 PM

A citizen was arrested, in flagrante delicto, by members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) while stealing copper electrical cables from the Oriente Refining Complex, in the state of Anzoátegui.

This was reported by the strategic operational commander of the FANB, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, through his X account where he indicated that 25 kilos of copper were seized from the man at the time of the capture.

In this regard, the senior military official explained that FANB does not rest on the fight against urban mining activities that diminish the capacity of community services.

Mazo News Team