

Cilia Flores: The GMVV has not stopped and will not stop

Presidential day this Thursday afternoon

Published at: 06/06/2024 06:07 PM

The Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV), despite the sanctions imposed by imperialism on our country, has not stopped and will not stop because this is to guarantee the rights of Venezuelan families, said the country's first female fighter, Cilia Flores.

During the award ceremony for the 5 million GMVV housing in Lara state, Flores explained that this program created by Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez Frías has been maintained thanks to the creative work of the Revolutionary Government and the People.

“The right wing, who called for sanctions, wanted to privatize this Great Mission in order to privatize housing and make an economic benefit because they are not interested in the people,” he said while stressing that Venezuelans are not orphans, they have Nicolás Maduro.

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