

CICPC promotes cybercrime prevention for seasonal workers in Carabobo (+Douglas Rico)

CICPC promotes the message of comprehensive prevention to those who mobilize through Troncal 1 in Carabobo
Photo: CICPC Press

Published at: 29/03/2024 02:01 PM

As part of the Safe Holy Week 2024 device, the general director of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC), C/G Douglas Rico, traveled to the state of Carabobo, in order to promote the message of comprehensive prevention to those who mobilize through Troncal 1.

From the Guacara toll booth, Rico highlighted that the entity has 12 ambulances ready to assist citizens in case of emergencies; in addition, he indicated that officials advise passers-by about the dangers they may face, through social networks, the CICPC press reported.

He also highlighted that a total of 12,664 civil servants were deployed in the entity, of the 163,000 who are active in the country, so that citizens can enjoy the days of the Major Week in peace and quiet.

Finally, he added that these activities are intended to inform the population about the criminal acts of which they may be victims; in addition, to know the risks and accidents they could suffer if they do not comply with the security measures implemented by the Bolivarian Government during their mobilization.

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