CICPC alerts about cybercrime (+Carabobo)

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People
The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 30/03/2024 03:36 PM

Officials from the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC), deployed, this Friday, an awareness campaign to prevent cybercrime in the population.

Taking advantage of the holiday of the Major Week, from the Guacara toll booth in Carabobo, the director of the CICPC, C/G Douglas Rico, said that during the campaign, seasonal workers were informed about the dangers they may face through social networks.

The campaign consists of explaining to bystanders about the criminal acts of which they may be victims, in addition to knowing the risks and accidents they could suffer if they do not comply with the security measures implemented by the national Government.

In that regard, Rico mentioned that in Carabobo alone, 12,664 civil servants and 12 security ambulances have been available to protect citizens.

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