Chilean academic Carlos Moya on Venezuelan elections: The right is violent whenever and wherever


Published at: 09/08/2024 07:00 PM
Regarding the international reactions to the electoral process last Sunday, July 28, we held an interview with the professor and researcher of the Latin American Institute for Higher Social Studies (ILAES postgraduate studies) in Chile and Latin American Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Latin American Intercultural Research, University of Valladolid - ILAES postgraduate studies, Carlos Moya Ureta, in order to analyze the position of representatives of right-wing governments in Latin America, today we bring their reflection, which will allow us to understand attitudes in recent days.
The professor explained in the interview
that “accompanying this violent plan, the international right echoes
irresponsibly, delegitimizing the electoral result; we see the example
of the Chilean woman, who feels hurt and humiliated. They believed their own
concerted operation that falsified reality and results.”
“They use as an argument an
alleged exit poll that gave González 70% and Maduro 20%.
Press conferences and WhatsApp channels with data taken from the air do not
constitute evidence of absolutely any fraud,” he said.
Moya explained that in his country
they were flooded with information from the Chilean press, commenting that “we heard
other polls at 3:00pm on Sunday, which gave 55% to Maduro and 36% to González and 14% to the other candidates.
The entire Chilean extreme right press is on
the news, blatantly lying and falsifying the truth.”
He explained that the intention is
“to sustain the hunger siege against the Venezuelan people that the United States and Chevron want to maintain.
They incite the subversion and maintenance of the blockade, the theft of
Venezuela's international reserves and gold reserves that are deposited in the vaults of several international banks.”
Regarding the recognition
of the results, the professor commented that “it is a public fact that 8 of the 10 presidential candidates have
recognized the legitimate triumph of Nicolás
Maduro. Only one candidate, the puppet of the United States, is unaware of the legitimate triumph.”
In reference to the
statements of Gabriel Boric, president of Chile, the researcher pointed out that “he
has become a morally handicapped person, makes his Foreign Minister unaware of the
triumph of the People and adds to the orchestration of the demonization of President Maduro. It seems to compete with Milei for leadership in
delegitimizing clean, transparent and legitimate popular triumph.”
In accordance with the defense
of Venezuelan sovereignty, Professor Moya
explained that “the triumph of the Bolivarian People keeps alive the flame of the
integration of the Peoples of the South, in the dignity of popular sovereignty and peace.
As long as the
Bolivarian people's mornings are flooded with popular sovereignty, social justice and poetry,
both freedom and oil will continue to belong to their rightful owners.
And no one else.”
In addition, he added that “there is an
element in international politics that prevails over principles of
values or interests of peoples or cultures. Several specialists mention it:
governments are driven by Geopolitical interests. It happened at the beginning of the
Cold War, anti-communism served as cement to isolate and combat. In spite of
this, colonialism was defeated and the independence of many colonies
on the planet was achieved. The movement of the non-aligned, among others. Now it
would be a matter of belonging to the block. Today is the destruction of multilateralism.
The defense of the hegemony of North American
and European financial and military imperialism”.
Professor Moya completed the idea about current geopolitics by saying that “everything the United States, the OAS and its allies, does today is the activation of a preconceived plan that has nothing to do with elections. It is a plan activated at the first sign of defeat. They tried it in Mexico. The Mexican right wing declared itself the winner of the election three hours before the results. It was then shown that the difference was greater than 30%. In Venezuela they did the same. The winners were announced in concert hours before the polling stations closed. Opposition governors in Venezuela recognize the triumph of Nicolás Maduro”.
Despite this, with the
help of intelligence agencies in the United
States, Great Britain , Australia and NATO,
they tried to destroy the computer system for counting and transmitting
data, using advanced Artificial Intelligence programs.
Regarding the disqualified María Machado and her campaign for the candidate Edmundo González,
she commented that “fortunately, for the Venezuelan people, such a complex plan is
left in the hands of a woman who talks about more and a candidate who speaks when
she moves his arm. They say they have proof that they obtained 73% of the
votes. Burlesque, with 10 candidates, of whom 9 are opponents”.
Regarding the National Electoral Council, the professor
explained that “Venezuela will demonstrate electoral
data with minutes. They have an impregnable system. With 16 audit
controls. Used in many U.S. states.”
He explained that the position of the international right is absurd, “they react with 80% of the calculations. And just a couple of hours before the end of the voting. Mexico has been prudent. In many countries, the count takes days. Here they allege fraud with less than 4 hours of computation. Unreal. It's a plan. Today, Fraud is considered accredited. Venezuela will shut their mouths. We have no doubts. In that country you don't improvise.”
The researcher called the Chilean president's position “immoral”
, explaining that he “sends his ambassador and his
officials to provide him with serious information and are part of
corruption and conspiracy. The current Chilean ambassador in Caracas has been famous for this since the
times when elections were falsified in the Unitary Popular Action Movement (MAPU). Boric falls into the trap. And he foolishly throws his government into the worst diplomatic
crisis and the dignity of Venezuelan popular sovereignty gives him a
strong slap.” He added to this comment that “instead of self-criticism, bellicose people nostalgic for the Pacific Alliance who don't want bad examples of popular sovereignty in Latin America are added to the plot.”
Professor Moya concluded his reflection by saying that “in the meantime, they seek to suffocate Venezuela in the media and activate an insurrectional plan. What can I say, they still don't understand that this world is no longer the same, they no longer control it, it belongs to the Peoples. This begins. We'll see how it ends for them.”