

Chavishly! Cabello recalled moments before the military rebellion of 4F

Podcast Chavistamente
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 04/02/2024 05:02 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, recounted some of the events leading up to the February 4 , 1992 rebellion, which restored hope to a people plunged into misery.

In that sense, during his participation in the podcast Chavistamente, he highlighted that they had 10 years in secret meetings and planning everything very discreetly to take care of themselves. “And we met at someone's house, you put yourself in El Junquito one day. I'm sure that person had no idea about the end of that meeting; or we were meeting in Carayaca, the person had no idea: Look, some colleagues are going to meet here, perfect. This had to be done in silence, with great tact to prevent any information from coming out that would compromise the movement,” he explained.

He also said that only once there was an event that put the movement on alert, but it was because someone got scared and the news passed. “But everything was in that cell, from there it didn't come out. They imprisoned the four companions who were there for a few days, and from there it didn't happen, nothing else happened, because those four had no information beyond what they should have, they released them, one of them went down and the rest three participated in the rebellion,” he said.

He also stressed that there were many times when they were prevented from carrying out the coup; however, it did not materialize due to different circumstances. “The last one before that was December 17 and it wasn't done because a problem occurred and suddenly internal contradictions: 'let's go or we go, '” he said.

In turn, he recalled that the order of that moment “was everyone, for their house, no one comes out, because we have come a long way and stopped the movement, I think that the day before, Commander Chávez himself had to come to tell people no.”

He also specified that the Red Flag party of Carlos Hermoso and Puerta Aponte infiltrated the movement. At the same time, he stressed that in addition to all the concerns about not discovering the movement, the family issue was also complicated.

In addition, he pointed out that, in the midst of all this, they were tried to segregate so that they had no communication, “and we couldn't order anything,” he said.

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