

Chávez undefeated: We must move forward in order to defend the Homeland

Published at: 19/06/2024 10:36 PM

Commander Hugo Chávez, on April 13, 2010, from Bolívar Avenue in Caracas, invited the militancy to continue with the Bolivarian Project in order to defend the country, security and the Homeland.

The leader pointed out the need to continue preparing for the defense of the country, “on all terrains and on all fronts of battle, culturally, politically, economically, also militarily, and from there, the need to continue to assimilate the concept that defense belongs to the whole people and it is everyone's responsibility to prepare ourselves to ensure the independence and sovereignty of Bolívar's homeland.”

He also warned the right that in the face of any violent action there are “officers consolidated in the conscience of the revolutionary Homeland”.

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