

Chávez Undefeated: The PSUV was created in democracy

Published at: 24/01/2024 11:25 PM

On January 12, 2008, Commander Hugo Chávez stated that the San Carlos Barracks were historically used as a torture facility, including the shooting of José Leonardo Chirinos, one of the men who defended the dignity of black slaves before the Spanish Empire.

“For centuries, the San Carlos Barracks, historically a center of repression, torture, from time immemorial until very few years ago, and today a cultural center operates here, the Civic Cultural Center, a cultural center in the hands of the revolutionary people, freed by the revolutionary people,” he said .

In addition, he stressed that before the birth of the Bolivarian Revolution, the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200, Movement V Republic, was founded, among others.

However, he explained that the foundation stone of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) was installed in democracy and in the San Carlos Barracks, unlike left-wing parties that were created in a clandestine manner during the Fourth Republic.

In this regard, he invited the People to join the PSUV as a political block in defense of the Revolution.


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