

Chávez Undefeated: The PSUV must be a popular instrument for the Socialist Revolution

Published at: 15/05/2024 11:40 PM

On March 3, 2011, Commander Hugo Chávez, from the Teresa Carreño Theater, in Caracas , said that the Party “cannot end up being an electoral machine, it has to be a popular instrument for the Socialist Revolution”.

In this regard, the leader of the Revolution instructed the militancy to go deeper into the discussion of socialist values, and to “leave behind selfishness, that caudillism, those machinations of one small group against the other. ”.

Chávez explained that the empire that continues to attack the world, “continues to have us in its sights, opposing forces that should not be underestimated, should not be underestimated, no, there are we must defeat them, defeat them” and therefore the importance of unity.

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