

Chávez Undefeated: The Cynical Bourgeoisie Hates the People

Published at: 19/06/2024 10:54 PM

On January 23, 2011, from Urdaneta Avenue in Caracas, the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez Frías, emphasized the importance of not allowing ourselves to be taken away from spaces “by the cynical bourgeoisie that speaks of the People, while abhorring them”.

In that sense, he emphasized that, unlike that bourgeoisie, revolutionaries truly love the people, because “we are part of the people and we navigate the heart of the people and we feel in our hearts the throbbing of the heart of the Bolivarian people, of the Venezuelan people, we don't have to go around pretending, doing theater, speeches, learning scripts, no, we are what we are, we are a people and we give our lives for the people”.

For this reason, the Commander urged the members of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to remain active in the bases for the permanent support of the People.

“The Party has to be permanently activated in the grassroots every day, the patrols, the commands, the cells permanently activated, it must become a machinery to a powerful movement for what, for the struggle, to unite, to subordinate itself, rather I would say every day and everywhere to the struggles of the people, to the demands of the people, to the demands of the people, to the needs of the people, to the needs of the people, to the needs of the people, to the needs of the people, which are many”, he said.

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