

Chávez Undefeated: In the 4F we rebelled to seek profound changes

Program With The Giving Deck #464
With the Giving Deck

Published at: 07/02/2024 11:32 PM

On March 26, 1994, the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, emphasized that on February 4, 1992, those military youth who rose up with him at the forefront rebelled to seek a profound change in the country that was mired in the misery of the neoliberal measures of the current governments.

On February 4th, we rebelled to seek profound changes, to reach the depth of the structures, (...) I think that in the future we must press and that only between heaven and earth is there only one force that can achieve what is the Venezuelan people”, highlighted the Commander from the Horizonte Urbanization, Miranda state, during an interview with journalist José Vicente Rangel.

He also said that those military youth who rose up were already outraged by events such as those that occurred on February 27, 1989, in which they had to go out and massacre the people. “That generation decided to reveal itself, and of course we were faced there, with an overwhelming reality, a reality contrary to those principles that we absorbed, which were introduced to us in the Military Academy and in the early years of the profession; then it was a terrible clash between a world idealized by us, that of serving the Fatherland, to the point of losing our lives and seeing that the Fatherland was being destroyed by those who led them,” he stressed.

For this reason, he reaffirmed that despite the fact that many wanted to minimize or manipulate the facts, “the rebellions of 92 are the historical realization of that feeling, of that ideal that began there at the Venezuelan Military Academy.”

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