

Chávez Undefeated: Imperialism Is the Greatest Threat to Peoples

Published at: 15/05/2024 09:12 PM

On November 23, 2010, the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution , Hugo Chávez Frías, pointed out that North American imperialism is the greatest threat in the world today to the Peoples free from the world.

“The greatest threat facing the planet today, the Yankee empire, has undoubtedly entered a phase of political, economic and, above all, ethical decline. But who can deny its great military power? Which, combining these factors, makes this the most powerful empire in the history of the Earth, a much greater threat to our Peoples,” said the Commander, also recalling the words of the philosopher, teacher and activist Noam Chomsky.

In addition, from the Federal Legislative Palace, he highlighted the necessary unity of Peoples and revolutionary forces in the face of threats from imperialism. “We must respond to imperial aggression, to the imperial threat, by radicalizing positions, not loosening anything at all, adjusting positions, consolidating the pace, consolidating revolutionary unity,” he urged.

In the same way, he indicated that this radicalization should also be felt by that stateless bourgeoisie in Venezuela. “This Venezuelan bourgeoisie, shameless and without a Homeland, must feel (...) the Venezuelan bourgeoisie must know that aggression against the people is going to cost them dearly,” he said.

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