

Chávez undefeated: Being useful is a fundamental principle of revolutionaries

Program #463 Con el Mazo Dando
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 31/01/2024 11:31 PM

Commander Hugo Chávez invited revolutionaries to be “useful”, because that is “a fundamental principle of a revolutionary”.

From the state of Zulia, on March 2, 2008, the leader of the Revolution recalled the occasion when Simón Bolívar ordered Antonio José de Sucre “to go to the rear of the Army, Sucre feels hurt and responds to Bolívar saying that he feels offended, that what will his officers think of him, General Sucre in the rear to take care of the wounded, to take care of the food, the logistics, that he was a first-class man line, that he didn't do that and all that to him (...) Bolívar responds by profoundly reproaching him for his attitude, calling him to rectify and ratify the order (...) What happened next? Sucre went to the rear, there were logistical flaws, he fixed them, they didn't have strong cavalry, he looked for it and got it, they didn't have enough ammunition, he looked for it, he ordered it to be manufactured, he took all the measures (...).

The Commander recalled that a few months later Bolivar sent him to command the United Liberation Army and there he became immortal. In that regard, he invited no one to feel bad and pointed out that revolutionaries have a party that was born with principles, statutes, programmatic lines and a general assembly as the highest authority.

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