

Chávez to Venezuelans: In Revolution everyone who comes to vote knows that their vote will be respected

Published at: 19/06/2024 09:01 PM

The Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez reminded Venezuelans that in a revolution anyone who wants to go and vote can do so and knows that their vote will be respected.

“I make it difficult for there to be such a fast, modern, efficient, transparent and secure electoral system on this planet,” Chávez said on September 26, 2010, starting January 23 in Caracas.

The Commander said that he himself saw when the ruling right, “which shamelessly stole the votes from the left, distributed them to him, because it was all manual”.

“I was in the military and at that time the military were like non-citizens, we didn't have the right to vote, to choose because a good part of the people didn't have that right; and besides that they stole the few votes that the left got,” he said.

He also argued that the poor did not vote, the distribution of the electoral centers always favored the middle class, “they had all the facilities to vote, but the people from the hills, the ranches, the fields, the illiterate people who numbered in the millions did not vote, nor did they have a ballot.”

“The bourgeois State that existed here financed the elections with billions of bolivars, only to two political parties, those that had the hegemony, Democratic Action and Copei, the Fixed Point Pact, and the military used us to condone those robberies, those great frauds against the people,” he added.

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