

Chávez to the youth: You are the Homeland and the soul of 21st century Socialism!

Published at: 12/06/2024 11:17 PM

The leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, on June 25, 2009, from the Teresa Carreño Theater, in Caracas, during Theoretical President Aló No. 3, assured that the Youth is the Homeland and the soul of 21st century Socialism.

Chávez stressed the importance of incorporating young people into the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), since “it will allow the confirmation of patrols, for voluntary work, for incorporation into practice, for problem solving, for the care of the weakest, for the creation of a society of love, of a new spirituality, a new moral base, ethical base that is the most important thing in the construction of Socialism, together with the economic base. '

“We are going to form the socialist patrols and link them to each other, forming the superior unit: The battalion, and going beyond the Socialist circuit, and the party's commands, the ideology, the everyday debate, the battle of ideas, the artillery of thought, a new society,” Chavez said.

The Commander invited us to be young forever. “To be young, truly human and human,” he explained.

In this sense, he quoted Ernesto Guevara, Che, with this reflection: To be revolutionary is to belong to the highest echelon of the human species, whether boys and girls are the highest echelon of the human species, true revolutionaries.

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