

Chávez to the world: The presidents of Israel and the United States should be brought to the ICJ for genocide in Gaza

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:13 PM

The leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, on January 6, 2009, argued that the president of Israel should be brought before the International Criminal Court (ICJ), together with the president of the United States, for crimes against the Palestinian people.

“If there were shame in this world, the president of Israel should be accused of genocide,” Chávez said from Montalbán, in Caracas.

In that sense, the Commander criticized being accused of being a tyrant, genocidal. While they are cowardly silent in the face of such evidence of what is happening in Palestine.

“They don't have a single test against me and they won't have one. Venezuela has not invaded anyone,” he said.

The Commander invited them to reflect: “If they were your (children) under bombs, at night, during the day, would children, women, the elderly, still be quiet?

Israeli soldiers are cowards who bomb Innocent Villages and yet they brag that they are one of the best armies in the world,” Chávez said.

Chávez recalled that they (soldiers) carried out a military rebellion, but not against an unarmed people, but against an established power, although they were soldiers.

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