Chávez to the People: Revolutionary unity must be above all else!

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 21/03/2024 12:12 AM

From the Municipal Theater, on January 15, 2009, the Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez recalled that, above all else, revolutionary unity must be there, “only then will we have a homeland, comrades, companions”.

Chávez insisted that the enemies of the Fatherland have no scruples, have no limits, they do not respect anything, no one, neither life nor nature. In that sense, he invited us to form a solid democratic, revolutionary unity among us.

“We cannot do the work of the adversary, dividing our ranks,” said Chávez, while calling for unity, “that must be our motto... Let's take care of the unit. Let's all be very careful with what we do, with what we say.”

Chávez used marriage as an example of unity, “a marriage for love, even if the love is very great, if the couple starts insulting each other, throwing a plate at each other, and even more so publicly, that's going to end in disaster then”.

“We have to assume this with a lot of revolutionary responsibility. May the criticism be truly purifying. Unity, loyalty! The unit is beautiful! It's encouraging, it gives us more optimism. And I ask that we take care of it, that we strengthen it. Unity of the parties, unity of the workers, of the peasants, of the soldiers, of the men, of the women, the unity of the people,” he said.

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