

Chávez to the opposition: “I call on them to be loyal to the democratic game”

Published at: 24/07/2024 10:58 PM

From the Miraflores Palace, during an interview with journalist José Vicente Rangel, the January 22, 2012, Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez called on opposition currents to be loyal to the democratic game.

“I call on them to be loyal to their followers, loyal to the country, to recognize the results. Say it because the country needs to know if there is loyalty in the political sectors,” Chávez said.

He also confirmed that if he lost an election, he would be the first to recognize him and hand him over to the Government. “I would call on my supporters: civilians, military, from the most moderate to the most radical to obey the mandate of a People.”

Chávez recalled that the National Electoral Council (CNE) is responsible for transmitting the results of the elections, to the country and to the world, “it is not the State Department, nor is it the other, nor is it the other.”

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