

Chávez to opponents: Reconsider and come here! Here we will continue to build the Homeland

Published at: 24/07/2024 10:56 PM

On October 4, 2012, from the Miraflores Palace, the Supreme Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, sent a strong message to Venezuelan voters in each of their political positions, to exercise their right to vote with conscience.

“Those who are already convinced, who are the vast majority, we know, of the voters, are already convinced that they are going to vote for Chávez, that it's not really for Chávez, it's for a project, it's for the country, it's for the Fatherland, well, steadfastness, pending even the smallest details,” he said.

Meanwhile, he urged those who were undecided to “do not hesitate any longer. Venezuela will not go backwards, it would be a disaster for all of you, for all of us and especially for our children (...) it is for them that we are going to vote, voting for Chávez, voting for the Fatherland, so don't hesitate any longer, come with us, don't continue to hesitate”.

Commander Chávez urged the opponents to vote, but without allowing themselves to be manipulated, “because they are going to lose (...), just be prepared because your option is going to fail, your option is going to lose, but you're not going to lose, you're going to win even if you don't accept it, even if you don't understand it very well, you're going to win peace, you're going to win a future, your children are going to win even if you vote against Chávez.”

In this sense, he called on them to “reflect, reconsider and come here, because here we are going to continue building the Homeland that belongs to everyone and everyone”.

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