

Chávez on the OAS: It's useless!

Published at: 03/07/2024 09:14 PM

On May 25, 2009, from the Miraflores Palace, the Supreme Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, assured that the Organization of American States (OAS) is an entity subservient to the interests of North American imperialism that protects crime against governments that are not subordinate to the United States.

“When has the OAS spoken out about all the aggressions that Cuba has suffered, for example? Someone, when, where? When has the OAS spoken out about all the aggressions that Venezuela has suffered, including the 2002 coup and everything that has happened here? When 200 paramilitaries appeared here seeded in Caracas, preparing and training to storm this palace, and to liquidate all of us,” criticized Commander Chávez.

He recalled that when El Caracazo the OAS “came out to defend Carlos Andrés Pérez and the action to 'restore democracy', and a massacred people mourning their dead there, thousands of dead.”

In this regard, he questioned: “What is the OAS for?” , stressing that “it's not just that it's useless, no, it's that it serves the interests of the empire, the hegemonic interests of world capitalism in this Continent”.

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