

Chávez Líder: We defend and will defend the dignity of our Peoples

Published at: 29/05/2024 09:20 PM

“Fuck off you fucking Yankees!... Here is a decent people, here is a decent people of shit Yankee, fuck off a hundred times, here are the sons of Bolivar, the sons of Guaicaipura, the sons of Túpac Amaru, and we are determined to be free!” , was the message sent by the Supreme Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, in the face of the interference of imperialism and its lackeys in the affairs of the world's free peoples.

Also, on September 11, 2008, from Puerto Cabello, Carabobo state, after the expulsion of the Bolivian ambassador from the United States, Commander Chávez stressed to imperialism that all free peoples are asking for is that “they respect us because we deserve respect (...) we defend and will defend the dignity of our Peoples to the last consequences”.

We just want to tell the world that here in Venezuela the Peoples of the world have a supportive country and that Bolivar's daughter, Bolivia, here has Venezuela, millions of us willing to fight for Bolivia. For their dignity, for their independence (...) I hope that someday the people of the United States will have a government they can talk to,” he said.

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