

Chávez Líder: Bolívar came out of the grave, he became a people!

Published at: 13/12/2023 10:20 PM

From the National Pantheon, in Caracas, on December 17, 2011, when it was 181 years since the planting of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, Commander Hugo Chávez stated that the Father of the Fatherland had risen from his grave to never be buried again.

“Today, in truth, Bolívar is more alive than before, more alive than then, I think so, as Neruda sang it: 'you are your father, or you are not, or who you are' (...) In the mouth of the fifth regiment, and he said to me: 'Yes, looking intently at the Mountain Barracks, it's me, but I wake up every hundred years when the people wake up, '” recalled the Supreme Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

He also stressed that “Bolivar came out of the grave, he has become a people (...) there will be no force in this world to bury him again, to freeze him again, he is alive, in our people, in our soldier, in our battles”.

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