

Chávez Leader: We must increase efforts to reunify revolutionary forces

Published at: 21/03/2024 12:20 AM

On August 20, 2012, from Bolivar State, Commander Hugo Chávez urged revolutionaries to be humble and allow themselves self-criticism, since this is one of the most powerful ethical tools the bourgeoisie can ever have.

“They (the right) have no place for self-criticism. Bourgeois nature is the complex arrogance of superiority, so there is no room for self-criticism (...) that's why we, on the other hand, have to be humble, we have to dress in humility, revolutionaries and be - as Che said - profoundly self-critical, we can neither be offended nor feel bad about mistakes (...) because self-criticism is one of the most powerful ethical, intellectual and also political tools for clinging to reality,” said the Supreme Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution .

In that sense, he called for not being like the “rotten” extreme right that in its arrogance underestimates its adversary and does not see the reality of the global capitalist crisis.

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