

Chávez invited to deepen the Socialist Revolution with organization

Published at: 26/06/2024 11:26 PM

From the Teresa Carreño Theater, on September 16, 2010, Commander Hugo Chávez invited us to deepen the Socialist Revolution with organization.

“It's about accelerating political, social and economic transformation, the daily struggle to build the new model. You have to bury the old one and build a new one and that you have to do it from every corner, every place, every neighborhood, every commune, every factory, from your workplace, from the classroom, from the planting field, from your barracks, from everywhere,” Chávez insisted.

Chávez argued that it's not about blowing and making bottles, “it's about pure will and that's one of the dangers of us revolutionaries who sometimes have a lot of will, it consumes our national fire, but when it comes to the method of applying the scientific method, when it comes to studying science, the knowledge of acquiring and perfecting it for the construction of the Socialist project in our space, we failed a lot there.”

The Commander recognized the work, effort and dedication of women within the Revolution, “the guardians of the Revolution are socialist women”.

“There is a lot to work on, a lot, you are patrolmen too, we are going to the patrol, to the battle units to the UBB, we are going to make adjustments, we have to work on the organization of the 1x10,” he said.

In that sense, Chávez asked to work in the organization house by house, block by block, table by table and to organize the machinery, mobilization and logistics in time, “to provide for all transport, food, water, the witnesses of the tables”.

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