

Chávez Invicto: We are the guarantee of peace!

Published at: 27/03/2024 09:54 PM

On February 17, 2012, the Leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez Frías, emphasized that the Bolivarian Revolution is the only path that truly guarantees peace, development and tranquility of the Homeland.

We are a guarantee of the continuity of peace, of national tranquility, of national economic and social development, of Venezuelan democracy, this new democracy that has cost us so much to build (...) If something were guaranteed by the Venezuelan bourgeoisie as a government, it would be the guarantee of war, the guarantee of violence, the guarantee of the national fire, the guarantee of the end of the Fatherland again, and we are not going to allow that”, stressed the Commander from the state of La Guaira.

In that sense, he stressed the importance of talking to the People, in the face of the bourgeoisie's media war to sow lies. We , in truth, really are the guarantee of peace and of this we must convince the vast majority of Venezuelans, including the middle class, which sometimes allows itself to be easily confused. There are even some sectors of the upper class that are not poisoned by bourgeois propaganda. We are a guarantee of peace,” he reaffirmed.

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