

Chávez Gigante: The PSUV is a revolution within the Revolution

Published at: 13/03/2024 10:54 PM

“Our United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is a Revolution within the Revolution, it is a revolutionary creation,” said the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, from the Municipal Theater in Caracas, on April 19, 2008.

Chávez assured that despite external and internal threats, “this party will continue to tread and open the paths of victory, the paths of revolutionary success in every sense and it is a great challenge.”

“We cannot fail the People, the history, the national hope that has been unleashed in recent years and that has been growing in recent months, in recent weeks, in recent days,” said Chávez.

He also stated that one of the greatest tasks facing the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, every day, is the battle of ideas, and it must use all possible means, from radio, flyers, murals, Internet, newspapers, magazines, newspapers and community media.

Chávez invited all the revolutionary, Bolivarian people to put aside selfishness and personalism forever and to increase leadership and unity.

The old infantilism, the prominence, all that has hurt us a lot, and it continues to hurt us a lot,” Chávez said.

The Eternal Commander insisted that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) must turn the page forever, to those old vices, those old customs inherited from the past.

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