

Chávez Gigante: Recognition of the results is the greatest guarantee of peace for Venezuela

Published at: 03/07/2024 10:17 PM

From the Miraflores Palace, on October 6, 2012, the Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez, affirmed that Venezuela is a mature, democratic country where institutions are functioning.

Venezuela is one of the countries with the best electoral system in this world, 100% automated, with prior, during and subsequent auditing, international support, witnesses of the different political actors at all tables, a country with absolute freedom of expression and participation,” said Chávez.

In that sense, he argued that the guarantee is not that only that the Government does its part, beyond that there is the State, the Electoral Power, the other powers and above all, “what gives Venezuelan democracy the most guarantee and strength is that whatever the results are, it is the recognition of those results.”

“Recognition of the results is the greatest guarantee of peace for Venezuela,” Chávez said.

He recalled that when he won the recall referendum, some sectors of the opposition said that there was fraud and that they were going to present the evidence, but “we are still waiting for the evidence, hopefully it will not occur to anyone, tomorrow, to do the same”.

“Simply here the nation will speak, the voice of the nation, as Juan Jacobo Rousseau said, let's hear the voice of the nation and act accordingly,” he added.

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