

Chávez Gigante: Never before in Venezuelan political history has there been a transparent Electoral Power like the one we have today

Published at: 27/03/2024 10:10 PM

The Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez, during his registration in the 2012 presidential elections, recognized the work that the Electoral Power has been doing.

“I want to give sincere, honest recognition to the work that the Electoral Power has been doing, to continue giving more strength to the institutions in the new Republic every day,” said Chávez, on June 11, 2012.

He also assured that never before, in all of Venezuelan political history, has our country had an electoral referee the size of transparency and the quality and commitment that power has today Venezuelan electoral.

“I surrender to you as a referee... As a player of the political game, I come here to comply with the Law, and I commit myself, and I commit my followers to support all the actions of the electoral referee, and I commit to recognizing before Venezuela and the world the result of the presidential elections,” he said.

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