

Chávez Gigante: A civil war is the biggest disaster that can happen to a country

Published at: 10/07/2024 11:06 PM

The Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez, on September 11, 2012, from the Hotel Alba Caracas, assured that a civil war is the biggest disaster that can happen to a country.

A civil war is a war between brothers, between their own people, between their own nationals,” Chávez said.

The Commander stated that only the resounding victory of the Bolivarian Revolution in elections takes Venezuela away from the horror of a civil war.

In that sense, he called on the Venezuelan people to enter into a process of reflection, “we must be aware because sometimes the media take our discourse and decontextualize it to try to deceive people.”

“What a lack of ethics on the part of those who invent stories. Some media have even become spokespersons, political actors,” he insisted.

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