Chancellor Gil to governments seeking to reissue the Lima Group: The Revolution will pulverize these new interventionist influences


Published at: 25/03/2024 07:41 PM
The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Yván Gil, this Monday denounced new attempts to interfere by right-wing governments in the region regarding the presidential elections on July 28.
In response to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, backed by Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru, the Venezuelan diplomat stated that “it seems that there are governments that, without fear of political ridicule, want to reissue the failed Lima Group, pulverized by the Bolivarian Revolution.”
Gil stressed that Venezuela “will also pulverize these new interventionist influences”, from countries that intend to echo extremist factors in the South American nation to delegitimize the upcoming electoral process, for which a dozen candidates have already registered, which supports their transparency and democratic behavior.
Finally, Foreign Minister Gil stressed that “the Lima Cartel is a stain on the Latin American past, it ended up in the garbage of history, right there this bizarre and rude pretense will end, which without a minimum of morals, seeks to meddle in matters that are not his business”.
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