

César Rengifo: Expression of art at the service of social justice (+Christmas)

Rengifo always carried with him that desire to defend humanity and thirst for social justice.
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Published at: 14/05/2024 08:31 AM

The great painter and playwright Cesar Rengifo was born on May 14, 1915 in Caracas, who used painting and theater to reflect his search for social justice.

He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts between 1930 and 1935. In 1936 he won a scholarship to specialize in plastic arts pedagogy in Santiago de Chile; then he traveled to Mexico to enroll in the Academia de San Carlos, where he studied the techniques of muralism from 1937 to 1938.

During his stay in the Mexican capital, Rengifo was significantly influenced by the work of Diego Rivera, achieving a style that departed from the prescriptions of the Caracas School and gave relevance to the social message of painting.

He returned to the country and worked as a journalist and in 1952 founded the theater group Máscaras, at the same time he carried out extensive pedagogical work and wrote about 40 plays.

Rengifo always carried with him that desire to defend humanity and thirst for social justice. In 1931 he joined the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) created in March of that same year, during his active membership he was arrested several times, but that never gave way to his thinking.

On November 2, 1980, he died in Caracas, leaving a historical legacy that is currently admired by the Venezuelan people .

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