

Catia TV: 23 years of communication battle

CatiaTV Headquarters

Published at: 30/03/2024 09:10 AM

On March 30, 2001, Commander Hugo Chávez inaugurated Catia TV, a community television station serving the people and with the objective of making visible the achievements of this Caracas area.

“The birth of TV Catia is part not only of a collective dream but of a collective need. The birth of TV Catia is essential for the revolution, essential to fight the battle that is just beginning and that battle is going to be long and hard, but as we learned many years ago, a united people will never be defeated and even less so if the people are united with the Armed Forces,” said the Commander.

This community media was founded by Gabriela González Fuentes, Blanca Eekhout and Ricardo Márquez. In 2002, the television station won the National Journalism Award for its broadcasting work during the coup against Commander Chávez.

Catia TV became a communication trench for the inhabitants of Sucre parish, Caracas, as well as an educational space for future generations.

Mazo News Team