

Cat bag! The war between the PUPU and María ConIra never ceases (+gringos)

Military operations and destabilizing plans collapse
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 15/05/2024 11:38 PM

Four Season Hotel, Madrid, May 15, 2024.

Olé! my friend Furrialeño. Ostia uncle! , I'm still here in Madrid, I'm shopping in El Corte Inglés and I came for some linen shirts before returning to Washington from Diosdado Cabello, by the way, have you ever worn a linen shirt, or do you only use sheep's flannels?

Brother, the move is getting interesting, we'd better not waste time talking about the naming of Ledezma's thug book, especially after the 600 million dollars his son-in-law stole. Bro, my co-cooperators in Washington D.C. have informed me that a new headache broke out for the Venezuelan extreme right, because the Biden administration is almost determined to turn off the tap on green bills (read funding) for the opposition, in any case they would send some minimal input so that the puppet of Inmundo does not fall so quickly, but not the expected million.

The rancid extremist opposition is in a heartbeat, they can't find a way to convince the Biden administration that now there is a chance of beating Maduro and that they cannot let them die on the shore, which is why they activated the so-called “projects for democracy” and “the defense of the vote” which are introduced through gringo implementers such as NED, NDI, IRI, and others.

But I must make something clear to you, the violent opposition may run out of institutional funding, but there is money available from the dark forces to finance an improved version of Operation Gideon, where some of the donors are: Juan Carlos Escotet, Nelson Mezerhane, Eligio Cedeño, Alejandro Bentancourt and other businessmen who live in Venezuela, eat in Venezuela and want to be well with God and with the devil, I'll pass those names on to Signal so as not to scare them away.

Speaking of Operation Gideon. They tell me that Mr. JJ Rendón attended the anniversary party of the communication mess called EVTV Miami, of the thampón Carlos Méndez, who are asking him to speak out publicly in favor of María Corina Machado. What will JJ Rendón know who says nothing about María Corina and her Pendón Edmundo González Urrutia? , JJ must be doing his math better, because the last time he supported the fascist opposition it didn't go very well for him and he ended up with a lawsuit from the mercenaries of Silver Corp., I hope his work with Zelenski's killer has left him some profit.

Returning to the gringos' decision to start looking for alternative ways to shake off the opposition of María Violencia and El Loco Leo, they are based on two things:

1.- The Biden administration is aware of how corrupt and criminal the opposition leadership of surnames is. The resources they were given in the past have never been justified, they have never received real support on how and in what they were invested. Most of the implementers work with Venezuelan NGOs that respond to Leopoldo López, Julio Borges, Henrique Capriles and MaríaViolencia, besides they have their best partners to disburse the money: Liliana Hernández and Karina Espinoza, both should be investigated by the FBI because neither one could justify their standard of living, which is financed by the share that the opposition itself gives them and the cut they take from suppliers for their good offices, you know that they they run the fruit shop. Diosdado, I don't know what they are waiting for to approve the NGO law and a red alert for dear ladies, because that's where the money of terrorism arrives easily and lightly.

2.- The other thing that would lead the Biden administration to limit its support for this corrupt opposition is that in recent weeks they have been carrying out independent studies, not the ghost polls of Datancorp, Datanalisis, and others, I refer to private intelligence studies to convince themselves that the electoral landscape of July 28 will be disastrous for the opposition. That is, so that people understand me: The gringos are already clear that Maduro wins on July 28 and they don't want to spend resources on a losing battle.

Returning to Caracas, I tell you that what they want is a ticket. In the private meetings between Dr. Inmundo González and the organizations that make up PUPÚ, which have been sold to the media as “meetings for the articulation of forces”, they only sit down to demand that Doctor Chapatín comply with the distribution of the real ones.

The PUPÚ parties do not want to be left out of the distribution of the loot of what a presidential campaign means, and they want to secure their economic quotas. For this reason, they continue to demand the restructuring of campaign commands at the regional level, and that they integrate with their people, not just with those of Vente.

The internal division is so severe that PUPÚ does not want the resources to be channeled by Magalli Meda, who from the Argentinian embassy continues to humiliate and stomp traditional political parties. There you have a time bomb that won't take long to explode.

By the way, brother, what is going on inside the Argentine embassy, that several of the Venezuelans who are living there have been sending messages to the Government to negotiate and get out of that confinement in which they fell because of Magalli Meda and MariaViolence themselves? They tell me that there is severe discomfort between them, and some would be willing to denounce the blackmail to which Magalli and Claudia Macero have subjected them, you should visit them.

One last thing, be alert to the war of disinformation. Faced with the desperation of being lost, the MaríaViolencia team and Crazy Leo ordered Sebastiana Barráez, Leopoldo Castillo and other pseudo journalists to shoot the version about an alleged military that leaked the possibility that the government would suspend the elections in the event of a conflict with Guyana, pending because they come with several red rags and are not exactly from the PSUV.

I keep moving, desperation is coming, I'll talk to you later.

Change and out.

Mazo News Team