

Cat bag! María Con Ira and the P.U face the imposition of Magalli Meda as a substitute

María Corina is waiting to be given the filthy stick

Published at: 17/01/2024 10:08 PM

January 17, 2024.

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the red house with white bars that has the eyes of Chávez and a poster of Maduro.

Patriota Patricio the Maracucho

What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother?

Diosdado, I sat down to watch the Podcast you did with President Maduro and I saw that they named me, brother I feel that now everyone knows me, Patrick is famous, I don't know if that will be good because you know that I'm low key, but I still tell Super Mustache and Cilita that I love them more than a three-phase tequeyoyo with tartar sauce.

Aha Diosdado, sit down and put your seatbelt on because you're going to be crazy, although I can tell you that the scabbard is not as moved in the party or in the opposition in general, brother, everyone is watching what he's going to do because they're starting to understand that Sayo isn't working!

Diosdado, as I told you in the last conversation we had, María Corina is waiting to be given the filthy stick to impose her comrade Magalli Meda as a substitute, but with that announcement is where the parrot is going to get entangled because the people of the Unitary Platform don't agree, get ready because a trimollejaro is going to be put together.

Brother, Sayo is focused on pressuring the gringos, Gerardo Blyde with the Barbados accords, all his contacts in the empire, in Europe, and even Ambassador Palma de Coco has gone crazy telling him that they cannot bow to the dictatorship and that they must push for his authorization.

But look what happened, you know that Sayo trusts and loves me, so she said “call Patrick to help us with marketing” and now I'm also involved in that, imagine Diosdado that my last commercial was when I played Belmont 90 kilos ago as a boy, but brother, I took up the challenge and we are designing the campaign “without María Corina there are no free elections”, which is a campaign aimed not at Venezuelans but at the international community. La Sayo asked me that we should make gringos feel weak and that if they fail to impose it from outside, then they will all become allies and accomplices of Maduro.

Diosdado, the largest sugar mill, exists in VENTE Zulia and Un Nuevo Tiempo because of the alliance with Gustavito Ruiz and Tequeño Crudo. How is it understood that a New Time is part of the Unitary Platform, which supposedly supports María Corina but in turn Sayo launches a candidate for Rosales in Zulia? Brother, that unit is more entangled than Perolito and Scarlata's hair.

Diosdado, I swear to you that Juan Pablo Guanipa alias “The Traitor of Zulia” agreed with María Corina to destroy Rosales in exchange for Sayo raising her hand to run for Governor in the next elections, and they agreed to pulverize the ghost of Capriles. In turn, Juan Pablo Guanipa promised Gustavo Ruiz that he would hand him the mayor's office of Maracaibo, since the current mayor, the black Ramírez de Primero Justicia, is about to leave with Rosales for A New Time because he can't stand the radicalism of Tequeño Crudo.

Diosdado, you know that I also get involved in political analysis and I think that Sayo doesn't mind fighting with Rosales and she's doing this because she knows she won't be a candidate, so she's looking to mark her cards in the governorates and mayors.

Well Diosdado, I continued to enjoy this little calm because what is coming in the next few days and in the coming months will give you a lot of work, don't tell anyone this because these are conversations only between you and me.

My thing with your friend La Sifrina is more or less, I sold the motorcycle that Sayo gave me in December to take her to dinner at a luxurious restaurant, then I'll tell you how it went for me.

Good God, you take care of me, the boys send you greetings and mom, as always, sends you the blessing. Since I'm on a diet, I love you more than a mandoca with a piece of palmita cheese and a liter and a half very cold malt.