

Carmen Meléndez: Since January we have been working cleaning up streams for the rainy season

Carmen Melendez, Mayor of Caracas
Photo: Internet

Published at: 23/05/2024 11:51 AM

Since January, the mayor's office of Caracas, together with the Government of the Capital District, have been deployed carrying out cleaning in torrents to avoid incidents to regret with the arrival of the rainy season, said the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez.

He also pointed out that in this regard, tree pruning work has also been carried out, in response to requirements made through the 1x10 of Good Governance.

In the same way, he indicated that service corporations keep working 24 hours a day unclogging sewers and drains.

“We have prepared ourselves but we have to be alert to any eventuality that may arise,” he stressed during the activation of the contingency plan to reduce the risks caused by the rainy season.

For his part, the Head of Government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández, called on the people of Caracas to become aware and not to throw waste into the beds of the streams.

“The call is to the conscience so as not to dirty the pipes, the streams, not to hinder the flow of water in the streams. We have to have the support of the community,” he stressed.

In addition, he called on the community not to continue building or expanding housing in risky areas.

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