

Cardenales defeated Tiburones and is still alive

This Sunday the fourth game of the Venezuelan baseball final will be played
Photo: Internet

Published at: 27/01/2024 11:35 PM

The Cardinals of Lara won their first victory in the grand final of the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League (LVBP) this Saturday by defeating the Tiburones de La Guaira 6-5.

In the top of the first inning, a driving hit by Yasiel Puig opened the score for the sharks with two lines. The response of the people from Larense was not long in coming and in that same episode they came back with a pair of home runs, a solitary one by Jermaine Palacios and the other with a pair of lines by Hernán Pérez.

In the second chapter, the “Red Birds” extended their lead with another hit, this time by Yojhan Quevedo, who also pushed Odubel Herrera to the plate and placed the game partially 2-5. In the fourth episode, the Litoralenses scored a single by Maikel García (3-5) and in the sixth they took advantage of a shooting error by Rangel Ravelo, to match the match 5-5.

With this victory of those led by Henry Blanco, the key is now 3-1 in favor of the salty ninth.