

CARACAS/Cabello: We know what we have to do and we're not going to tell our opponents

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 26/06/2024 11:22 AM

This Wednesday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, offered a balance sheet on the 1x10x7 electoral machinery, in which he urged the militancy to participate in the simulation of the coming Sunday, June 30.

Cabello, during the statement of the balance sheet, called for the activation of witnesses and board members for reporting and compliance. In this way, he explained that “we know what we have to do and we are not going to tell those secrets to our adversaries...”.

“We are clear about what we have to do; we have at least 10 electoral processes with witnesses, we are correcting details, Constitution in hand, laws in hand,” he said.

Likewise, the first vice-president stressed in the framework of the simulation on Sunday, June 30, “if we say here how much they are going to mobilize, the primary opposition looks very bad.”

“We are going to put into practice what we have been building hard to do. We can be extremely satisfied to have this distribution of streets, communities, Bolivar and Chávez Battle Units (UBCH), we have a physical presence throughout the national territory,” he said.

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