

CARACAS - SUCRE/Rodríguez: The North American Empire Will Never Kneel Us Down

In 2019, the opposition was “kneeling to Donalt Trump,” Rodríguez recalled

Published at: 04/06/2024 05:42 PM

The general coordinator of the “Our Venezuela” Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, emphasized that thanks to the policies and the recovery program of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, “today it makes us the fastest growing economy in this entire continent.”

“They're never going to be able to kneel down, ever,” he said, while stressing that “the worst is over, we just went through the toughest of difficulties in the last 150 years, they tried and they didn't succeed, we beat them.”

This was stated in the Sucre parish of Caracas, during the organizing meeting of the 1x10 Electoral Machine, where he maintained that “these difficulties made us better people”.

He recalled that he was the one who was with the Venezuelan people during the global pandemic of COVID-19, in all spheres while the extreme right requested sanctions and blockades against the Homeland.

“In the midst of the pandemic, they stole our gold in England and the deposits we had abroad, Capriles, Leopoldo López, Julio Borges,” he said.

He noted that in 2019, the opposition was “kneeling to Donald Trump”.

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