CARACAS/ Nahum Fernández: The streets belong to the people!

Mobilization in La Pastora de Caracas Mobilization in La Pastora de Caracas
Mobilization in La Pastora de Caracas
Con El Mazo Dando

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 29/04/2024 05:53 PM

This Monday, April 29, from La Pastora parish in the capital city, the head of government of Caracas, Nahum Fermández, assured that “The streets belong to the people!”

This statement was made at the close of the mobilization carried out in rejection of the unilateral coercive measures illegally imposed by the US government against Venezuela.

He assured that “mobilized and organized, the People are preparing for the great victory”.

Mazo News Team