

CARACAS - LIBERTADOR/Maduro from Bolívar Avenue: We have constituted a new political, social and cultural majority

Great closing of the campaign in Caracas
Presidential Press

Published at: 25/07/2024 06:59 PM

The candidate of the Great Patriotic Pole Simon Bolivar (GPPSB), Nicolás Maduro, highlighted this Thursday the unity of the revolutionary forces and the patriotic people in the face of the presidential elections.

From Bolívar Avenue in Caracas, during the historic closing of the campaign, Maduro stated that “we have united the full force of the people. I can say it today, we have constituted a new political, social and cultural majority, which will express itself with a strong electoral majority next Sunday, July 28.”

He pointed out that not only has Chavism united, “that we are all united without a single fissure, the Bolivarian people educated by Chávez are on the street united as a single block of force, and that solid block to unite Venezuela, because here what it is about is uniting for peace, for independence, for stability, for true democracy, for love, for inclusion.”

The revolutionary leader indicated that uniting all Venezuelans “is the main task of the moment”, so he highlighted the incorporation of opposition leaders “disappointed by the lies of the right, and who “today express their support for the candidacy of the man of peace, for the candidacy of Chávez's son, Nicolás Maduro”

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