

CARACAS-COCHE/Cochense Popular Power to the US government: Remove the blockade now!

“The President (Maduro) has done a lot with little,” Nieto said
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 06/05/2024 05:32 PM

The head of the Bermúdez 1 Community of the Coche parish, in the Libertador municipality, Eduardo Nieto, said that “we are at the forefront of any situation that arises and we say to the President of the United States: Remove the blockade now, Mr. Joe Biden!”

He said that despite “those 926 sanctions that he has imposed on President Maduro, we have made progress, the President has done a lot with little.”

He also highlighted that they have made progress in organizing the community, especially with the formation of territorial brigades and with public lighting.

This was stated by Nieto during the mobilization in the Coche parish, in the Libertador municipality, led by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, in rejection of illegal United States sanctions against Venezuela and in support of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

For her part, the head of the Bolívar Chávez Madre María Battle Unit (UBCH), María Elena Hernández, also highlighted the need to lift sanctions against the country.

“A lot has been achieved here in the parish of Coche, despite all the sanctions we have from the empire,” he said.

He assured that “here we are of struggle, battle and victory”.

In their speeches, Nieto and Hernández welcomed the members of the Party's National Directorate and other revolutionary authorities present at the event.

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