

CARACAS - CARICUAO/Nahum Fernández: They wanted to take away our happiness and the future

Nahum Fernández, Head of Government of the Capital District
Photo: Internet

Published at: 08/06/2024 05:43 PM

This Saturday, Nahum Fernández, head of government of the Capital District, joined the great mobilization in the Caricuao parish in support of President Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA).

“We are a compatriot and we have told him many times so that the bourgeoisie understands it, this town has had to take to the streets to combat violence. Who is next to this town when the guarimbas to kill people in the streets? Nicolas Maduro! “, he said.

In this regard, Fernández explained: “Those who tried to negotiate this country and who thought that by ending Hugo Chávez with Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro was going to give up, wanted to take away our happiness and our future.”

Likewise, the head of government reiterated that the Venezuelan people remain loyal and firm with President Nicolás Maduro for the elections of July 28 and the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution.

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