

CARACAS - ANTÍMANO/Nicolás Maduro: My whole body and all my life will be to protect and defend the people

Meeting between the Head of State and the People of Mamera

Published at: 22/06/2024 05:55 PM

The national president, Nicolás Maduro, reiterated, from Mamera, his commitment to defend the Venezuelan people even at the cost of his own life.

“I am a Pueblo president, Caracas has never failed me in these hard years, you never left me alone, but I have never left you alone either. I have been loyal to the ordinary people at the cost of my own life and I will continue to put my chest, my body and my whole being to protect and defend the People; to be loyal to the humble, to be loyal to the people of Caracas,” he said.

The head of state took advantage of his visit to the community to swear in the militancy that will consolidate the victory of the popular forces on July 28.

“I swore allegiance to Chávez and to the People and that is why I raise my left hand with you with my heart, with the deepest feeling and I say: I swear from Caracas, cradle of the liberators of America; I swear before God, creative father, I swear before our Lord Jesus Christ, I swear before the Grand Chief Guaicaipura, before my family and my country that in Caracas I will guarantee one by ten and the strength so that we can move towards a great victory for peace, until a great victory of power and on July 28 when CNE of the election report I swear that with my family I will celebrate the victory of the homeland of the Revolution and of the People and I swear that I will achieve that Caracas has a record of patriotic voting that we will beat up the patarucos with the votes of the people for now and forever. I swear on the homeland, I swear on my family, and I will do it that way, you are sworn in as the liberation army of Caracas,” he said.

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