

CARACAS - ANTIMANO/ President Maduro: No pataruco misleads me, I am stuck with the people!

President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro
Photo Capture

Published at: 22/06/2024 05:32 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reaffirmed this Saturday that he grew up in neighborhoods and that is why he is restricted to the people; and none of the patarucos with the last names can come and smuggle him.

“I grew up in neighborhoods, always being quiet with people, so I'm not going to be mischievous, no pataruco is going to mislead me,” said the Head of State during a meeting with the people of Antímano in Caracas.

In that sense, he pointed out that in the face of any pretense of the empire and its lackeys, he will always be in defense of the People and the Fatherland. “If you're looking for me, you can find me, call yourself a patarucus or an empire,” he said.

He also referred to the call for debate by the opposition candidate, Antonio Ecarri, and specified that he would not put up with a spat.

“What an annoying guy (...) Do you, who are a right-wing pataruco, want to debate with a rooster pinto? Come first to the neighborhoods and then we'll see if we're going to the debate,” he said.

In the same way, together with the People of Antímano, he emphasized that on July 28, the Homeland, Peace and the People will win in Venezuela.

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