

CARACAS-23 DE JANUARY/Carmen Meléndez: We are ready for when the Clarín de la Patria sounds

“This people are willing to do anything to defend our Homeland,” said Meléndez
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 27/05/2024 11:11 PM

This Monday, May 27, the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, highlighted the importance of the parish of January 23, for the defense of the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution.

“I want to congratulate the entire political team on January 23, here we are ready for when the clarion of the fatherland sounds,” he said.

He added that “this people are willing to do anything to defend our Homeland.”

This was highlighted by Meléndez, during his speech on the occasion of the mobilization of the People of the 23 de Enero parish, in Caracas, in support of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro and in a strong demonstration of the rejection of the blockade imposed by the United States government against Venezuela.

Meléndez welcomed the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, to the mobilization of the Revolutionary People.

He also expressed his pride in the organized People's Power of the parish and demanded that the United States cease the sanctions imposed,

“Today we are proud of this team, of the Revolutionary Front, the collectives, the communes (...) Here we are rested, we say to Biden, lift the sanctions now! , that here is a people that are respected, Venezuela is respected,” he emphasized.

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