

CARABOBO - VALENCIA/President Maduro announced three new steps for the 1X10 of 28J

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in Valencia
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 06/06/2024 01:48 PM

This Thursday, June 6, President Nicolás Maduro launched the new 1x10 form in the state of Carabobo, heading to the elections on July 28.

During a telephone contact with the mobilization that took place in Valencia, in their support and in rejection of the sanctions imposed by the North American government, the Head of State explained that the new 1X10 formula consists of three steps: convincing to win, motivating to succeed and organizing to vote.

“Convince to win, with reason, with the truth, with the project of the 7 transformations. Motivate leadership to succeed, by example, on the street, in the community, in the UBCH, with love, with good methods,” said Maduro.

The third step is to organize to vote, “so we will have the perfect victory on July 28,” said the president.

Maduro invited people to go out and vote with a lot of love, with a lot of passion, because “we are on the right side of history, we have the strength and the union.”

The National President said that he is certain that Carabobo will give Commander Hugo Chávez a great gift on July 28, “a great victory”.

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